Are you ready to enjoy the power of your mind?

I´m Eileen Valerio
Happiness is your birthright and you can access it in this very moment!
It brings me great joy to know you´re here exploring the possibility of transforming your life. You deserve to be happy and fulfilled. Right now you have a choice to connect with your desires, to take action following your dreams and to learn a better self-talk in order to boost your self-esteem.
- Psychology
- University Latina
- Certified Hypnotherapist
- Marisa Peer School
- Certified in Rapid Transformational Therapy
Let me help you deepen your connection and love with yourself, to amplify your world and what´s possible.
Eileen Valerio
Transformational Hypnotherapist
What to Expect from a Session of Transformational Hypnotherapy with Eileen Valerio
In our session we will work together to access your subconscious mind and find what is stored deep inside, causing physical, emotional and mental discord, we get to the root cause of your issue and then I help you to release those old beliefs formed many years ago, for many people during the childhood. By the end of the session you´ll feel lighter, empowered, relaxed and most important you realize you have the choice to live the life of your dreams. Being in a relaxed state allows your mind to become receptive to amazing suggestions that will transform your life.
I can help you change beliefs and thoughts that have been affecting you for years. As soon as you break free from the negative beliefs, I talk to your brilliant mind giving positive suggestions, which are like seeds planted in the subconscious mind, new beliefs are able to take root. Since the first session you feel at peace and empowered. It takes 1- 3 healing sessions to see permanent results and a rapid relief. I always explain to my clients what the Chain of Power is in order to achieve great results. Everything starts with a thought, thoughts affect the way you feel, feelings affect your actions and your actions affect the events in your life. So I teach you how to boost your self-esteem through an empowering self-talk, and I teach you how to transform your life through new pictures in your head.

How does it work?
I use a technique called Rapid Transformational Therapy which is very powerful and it transforms you at the conscious and subconscious level; in just 1 to 3 healing sessions with me we will uncover the meaning and interpretation of events that ocurred in your life. When people experience a traumatic situation in early stages they develop a sense of guilt, shame, pain and they create wrong beliefs that can affect how they see life. In our session we recognize those old beliefs that don´t serve and we release them in a powerful way, to install new and empowering beliefs that will help you to create a new life, a fulfilling and happy life. The benefit of a new belief is that it creates new pictures in your head which leads to new feelings, new actions and new events. After the session I will send you a bespoke recording which you will listen for 30 days at least. The recording wires in, codes in the transformation in a very fast speed. Lots of clients see immediate results; for others it can take a little longer.
Helping you achieve massive Happiness & Healing
Say hello to the NEW YOU!
Free yourself from old beliefs that don´t serve you and start living a wonderful life, you deserve to live at peace. One of my techniques for successful results is teaching clients how to talk to themselves in order to improve their lives. By choosing the right words you start feeling better about yourself and no one can do this job but you.
I hack old beliefs and through my technique I give you the confidence to start building a new reality but only one thing is required, a strong desire and commitment to change your life for good.
I don´t make promises, I create breakthroughs
I serve people with all my heart and passion, and I feel fortunate when I transform someone´s life.
In just 1 to 3 healing sessions, I can help you tap into your subconscious and confront your fears and all those limiting beliefs and own your excellence! I can´t change what happened to you but I can change how you feel about it. Allow yourself to start living a wonderful life as you are a radiant and empowered being!

Transformational Hypnotherapy has been found to be effective for anxiety.

Hypnotherapy is used as the vehicle to access the subconscious mind where we store our beliefs and experiences.

Begin the Journey
Everyone can relate to being in this state when they have driven a familiar route without remembering the journey.
Expertise Areas
I´ve worked with many depressed clients and I realized they have something in common: they use harsh and hurtful words towards themselves and they don´t follow their heart´s desire. If you have depression or anxiety there´s a way out, and I can help you to leave it behind and start a new happy and successful life. We have sometimes a hectic lifestyle and unfortunately this causes having busy schedules, which leads to developing stress, depression and anxiety. If you have been depressed or anxious for many years there´s a solution for you. Hypnosis can help you to find the root of the issue you are presenting and break free from these often-times exhausting conditions. I want you to be empowered, healthy, happy and confident, and give up all that has been holding you back. I want you to start living a wonderful life being happy. One of the rule´s of the mind is: every thought causes an emotional response and in our sessions I give you the specific language you have to use to direct your brilliant mind. We also explore the several options you have to follow your heart´s desire.
Expertise Areas
A little about me
As a hypnotherapist I have worked with so many clients around the world and I am fascinated transforming human behavior, my work is life-changing. It gives me great joy to hear amazing feedback from my clients, because I know I´m helping people to free themselves from what´s been holding them back.
The cause of many illnesses is locked deep inside but the good news is that we can get to it and unlock it. I give you the tools to release it, for good.
Are you ready for a radical shift in mindset?
Your transformation is the reason I wake up. You have a choice to be happy.
Serious about Transformational Hypnotherapy?
Let´s talk.

I wanted to get rid of my depression and after the first session with Eileen I felt so much better! Now I feel happy and worthy! This is what I needed! Thank you so much!
Eileen has an extraordinary skill at transforming lives, ever since she worked with me I felt instantly lighter and since then I've been totally confident and clear headed. It's like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders that I've carried around my whole life.
I´ve been depressed my whole life and even attempted suicide, however I decided to try this therapy, and it is amazing! I wake up every morning happier.
If you are serious about changing your life I definitely recommend working with Eileen, she really takes her time to go deep inside, it is very powerful and I feel brand new!
Who is this for?
Private sessions are for people who are 100% ready to stop suffering from depression, guilt and/or shame, issues with confidence, anxiety and pain that keeps them from creating a happy and fulfilling life. You actively participate in your recovery by making a commitment to listen to your recording every day before sleep.
How much does a session of Transformational Hypnotherapy with Eileen Valerio cost?
Life- Changer Session
one session
This Life-Changer Session is recommended to work on self-confidence, self-esteem, motivation, fear, procrastination and money blocks. Some clients might need two sessions.
In this session we will get to the root cause of your issue, then we will set you free from unhelpful beliefs that are keeping you stuck and I will code in the new beliefs that will transform your life for good!
If you need to cancel, please email or cancel 24 hours in advance.
90 Days to Freedom
three sessions
This life Transforming Program will last 3 months, you will get three sessions, one each month. This program is recommended for people with depression, anxiety, addictions and physical illnesses who have been suffering for many years. In this program we will uncover the root cause of your issue, then we will set you free from old limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck and I will wire in the new beliefs that will serve you better, transforming your life the way you deserve!
- I use Cell Command Therapy which is very powerful to release depression or anxiety
- Extreme healing and greater energy
- More inspired
- More fulfilling relationships
- Freedom from anxiety and depression
- More focused
- Happier, lighter, radiant and powerful
The Healing Program
two sessions
This Healing Program will last 2 months, you will get two sessions, one each month. This program is recommended for people with confidence, self-esteem, motivation, fear, procrastination issues and physical illnesses. In this program we will uncover the root cause of your issue, then we will set you free from old limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck and I will wire in the new beliefs that will serve you better, transforming and healing yourself the way you deserve!
- Upgraded self-confidence and self- esteem
- I use Healing Vortex which is a very powerful technique to heal depression or anxiety
- More inspiration
- More fulfilling relationships
- Fearless and dynamic
- Happier and lighter
Client Inquiries
Depression is a worldwide illness that affects millions of people; it is a complex issue but the good news is that there´s a way out. I recommend between 2-3 healing sessions to release it. The Command Cell Therapy has a powerful permanent all pervasive healing impact and I´ve helped lots of people to heal from depression because the client learns to command his mind with empowering specific language.
F a q
A session can take from 90 minutes to 2 hours approximately.
You can get your session via Zoom or face-to-face.
Yes, a session via Zoom is as effective as in person, the clients get excellent results and equal success.
You can book either the second or third session after we have the first one.
Yes, You can move under Hypnosis, you are in control 100%.
Hypnosis is a very relaxed state of the mind, it´s a natural state of inward focus.
No, You are not asleep, you are more relaxed and suggestible.
Yes, I do a follow up by Zoom after a week and after 30 days.
Choosing the right words is essential if you want to transform your life because your internal dialogue affect how you feel, so I teach you how to talk to yourself in a more positive way in order to achieve what you want and you will learn through my method how to boost your self-esteem. I teach you what I call the Chain of Power.
The Universe will support and mirror everything that you believe!
So start believing you deserve to be happy and to shine. You are worthy of a wonderful life.